
I was lucky enough to be at my friends the other day and snuffle some damsons - one of my favourite fruits! 

We all love their tart sweetness here so the kids were excited to eat some as well. 

I did find my youngest with six little pots he'd found, putting two in each, to take them to school as his snack! 

We had a big bag full so I was unsure the best way to preserve them. We already have quite a bit of canned fruit so I decided the dehydrator might be the way forward - I love these on my breakfast in the summer! Chewy, tart, sharp and yet sweet. 

I filled the dehydrator with 3 trays of damsons and 3 trays of very tart cooking apples. Love this time of year but feel I need to be preserving something all the time to make the most of it! 

What are you currently preserving? 


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