Brick Arch Former

 It's not been dry enough to do much on the cob oven, it needs more time to dry out (although I have done more since the last post).

So my eldest daughter and I decided to make a wooden former for the arch over the entrance, a nice simple project we could do together. 

I got her using the jig saw, making measurements and also using the nail gun for the first time!

She always loves being in the workshop and making things, so it was nice to make this and explain how it would be used and how I've made these in the past for brickie's on site. I also explained how we need to wedge it up slightly so when the bricks are laid we can then remove the wedges and "strike" it once they're in place. 

I'm hoping we'll get a break in the weather and be able to do some more next weekend (where it'll be hot enough to dry some of the cob). If we can get the base down for the oven and then get the arch in place that will feel like we've made a huge step forward. 

Ever built a brick arch?


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