Throw Back To Chickens in 2009!
We had a good sized garden that I was slowly turning into a farmyard! The rescue hens we originally got were in the small movable ark (the one I fixed up last year in fact) but were slowly destroying the lawn daily.
So my brother came over for the day and we made them a chicken run between the lawn and the veg garden. It worked well to separate up the garden and give the chickens a bit more space.
Once we had it fence the birds loved it.
The next week I built a better coop for them and one that the eggs could be collected without having to even go in the pen.
I loved keeping chickens there, My one neighbour, who we got on really well with, was so sceptical of the birds to start with. She was worried about noise and mess. But she would look after them when we went on holiday and often chat to us about them. In the end she fell in love with them and when we hatched some out a few years later she ended up with the hens and just adored them. She kept them for years and would often tell us about them. As always good neighbours can really make a place and she was lovely.
I'll have to see if I can dig out some pictures of when I gave half the lawn over to the chickens as well. this was when I knew I'd truly outgrown the place (along with two allotments) and luckily this smallholding came on the market at just the right time (besides my wife being 8 months pregnant when we moved of course... But that's a story for another time)
I think in my whole life there has only been a few years without chickens in there somewhere! Any other life long chicken keepers out there?
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