5 Acres & A Dream The Sequel

So full disclosure, I was given this book to review by Leigh Tate. We sometimes email each other about different things so I would class her as a blogging friend, but I only agreed to review it if I could be completely honest. I had planned to buy the book anyway as I had enjoyed the first. 

I'll start by saying that this is certainly a sequel. I'd recommend you either read the first book first or at least follow her blog or have read some of her other books. 

I went for a long time of reading pretty much every gardening, homesteading, smallholding, alternative living book out there but I got completely fed up with how-to guides or books preaching about how I should be doing something. I loved Leigh's first book because it wasn't one of those, and her second book follows on in the same way. 

This book is not a how-to and for that we should be thankful, although I saw a review of her first book criticising of this fact. For me, and my level of knowledge of this subject, it's far nicer to read about a determined couple that are trying to change how they live with some of the same constrains that that we have to deal with (budget). I like that they have tried most things but have adapted them to where they live and their climate, all too often I read a book that tells me I should be doing something one way when they don't know my constraints - this one is far more about them working out what works for them. 

The book breaks down the different aspects of what they're trying to do, sections on things like feeding themselves and feeding their animal (a subject I find really interesting), energy self sufficiency. They break down their goals into manageable chunks - a complete solar system was going to be too expensive for them, but they looked at how they could move a small way in that direction with a solar fridge. 

The book also has a real honest feel about it. There is a bit where Dan, Leigh's husband, has an accident. Being a carpentry, accident plays close to my heart. It makes me realise how lucky we are here, I had an accident at the end of last year where I broke my jaw. Sat in A&E I never had to think about the financial implications or the fact if it was really bad we might have to sell the house. They talk about it all openly and honestly and the thought process behind their decisions.

So if you're interested in reading about a couple trying to move forward with their own goals in this type of lifestyle, I'd say this is a really interesting read. It's not a how to but it's certainly inspired me with a few ideas I'd like to try at a later date. 

Another Really enjoyable homesteading book from Leigh Tate. 


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