Youngest Started School

 So that's it - all three of my babies are at school now! 

6 years of being a stay at home dad have come to an end! Blink and you miss it!

I've been incredibly lucky to spend so much time with my children when they've been young. Yes, every experience might not be what is usual (I remember having my youngest in a pram for over an hour while I clipped maggots out of a sheep) but it's been time together and that's what counts. 

My youngest is certainly not shy but starting school his outgoing personality has made me proud of him. He is the first to start playing a game and include the others and the other day when one friend was being shy he went up and talked him into playing! Follows after me socially I think! 

He is very active though so I've been worried how he'll do in a classroom all the time - I even promised the teacher I'd walk to school while it was dry just to "take the edge off him"! 

It's great that my work is so flexible that I can make it fit around pick up and drop off for school. It does give me a short working day but when we're all back we can carry on with smallholding jobs or cooking tea. 

I'm going to miss many of the bits I enjoyed with having young children - I've loved going to playgroups and making friends with all the mums and dads, I've even run one for the last 4 years, but it's time to pass the torch on that one. For me now there is more time in the workshop calling me and maybe I'll get some more jobs done around here! 

It does make me broody for another though, but my wife has told me no chance! 


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