Sudden Branch Drop

In the middle of last week (just before all these storms broke) I was in my workshop when I heard a massive crash and bang, I rushed outside and saw three very scared children running for the house. 

They had just been 20m away from this giant oak tree picking berries when a huge branch had suddenly dropped from the tree. Luckily far enough away from it to not get hurt but close enough to scare them! This sudden branch drop is quite common during times of drought with broad leaf trees. 

So my brother (a tree surgeon) came over on Saturday to make it safe - a fair bit was held up in the tree. 

When I first saw it seeing the tree was like being punched in the gut. These trees really make this place and I hate to see things like this happen to them. It's altered the shape of this tree so much. 


There was a fair amount of wood from these branches - I'd imagine enough for a winter or more when seasoned. Luckily he brought his skid steer with him, which made moving it all a lot easier! We still have the brash to deal with but that will have to wait for another day!

 This should beat the willow and popular we've been burning but will take a bit of effort to make it into good firewood yet!

A real downside is my brother thinks really we might have to due a huge crown reduction. The tree is hollow and seems to have a fair bit of fungus so needs a bit of work to keep it in a condition where it will continue to last. 

Anyone else was experience this with old oak trees dropping branches during drought?


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