Preserving Is A Family Affair

As our children have got older we've had to start putting more food away to last us longer. 

Luckily they all love helping and the last few weeks there's been quite a few times with  us all sat round a table prepping a harvest to preserve it. 

I picked a huge bucket full of beans the other day and my wife groaned as I brought them in my wife let out a huge groan as did my eldest daughter. But everyone piled in and within 20 minutes we had them sorted and bagged for the freezer - another 9 meals worth. 

Same with a load of plums I got from my friends, To chop up 9 trays worth to go in the dehydrator takes an age on your own but they were happy to help, luckily they didn't eat too much as they did it! 

I know they'll grow out of this soon and will be groaning teenagers before long, so I'll happily make the most of it now! 


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