I Managed To Can Some Tomatoes!!

Managed to sneak enough tomatoes away from the kids to preserve some for winter! 

I know it's not huge amounts but I'm going on the little and often approach. This time I used my small pot and did one at a time while I was doing other jobs in and around the kitchen. My big saucepan takes so long to heat up I though this might be better - in fairness when I started I only planned to do one! 

In the end I managed to do some gerkins and some tomatoes. 

Dead simple to do a small batch like this once I was set up as well! One really nice thing was when I started my younger daughter came in to make a cake at the same time - no idea how we survived in our tiny kitchen just a few years ago! 

I followed the raw pack method for the tomatoes from the Ball Blue Book of canning. I think I'll have to sacrifice one jar next week so we can try them and see what they're like. It would be a shame to can loads and find out that I didn't like them like that! The tattler reusable lids are good as it doesn't feel like I'm spending money every time I make a jar of something! 

What method do you use for canning tomatoes? Raw pack or Hot pack? Or make sauce? 

I need to buy a pressure canner as my next purchase so soup can be on the menu as well (would be great for my wifes lunch at work!) and I would stop me borrowing my friends canner! 


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